King's Crest Global is creative agency with talents all over the world. They offer services of business strategy, product design and development, and digital marketing. 
As a KCG team member, I've had the pleasure to partner with their copywriters and marketers to bring the agency's Instagram profile to life.
Their Social Media design had to reflect the brand's visual system and use the proposed copy to create compelling content. KCG's 6 brand colors were expended into 24 shades to be used across the feed.
The content celebrates some of the company's values when speaks of diversity, equality and remote work. It also mentions important holidays for the team, introduces team members and the work they do, and talks about KCG's most recent blog posts.
Different post templates were developed in oder to display different kinds of content. Some examples are: quote; headline with image; carroussel with headline and text (with or without icons); video; photo; concept image.

If you like it, follow KCG on Instagram :)
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